Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dance Dance Dance

---Slightly missing dance parties at Ivanhoe...

***I'm really diggin this Lykke Li gal!

Goodness Fred Astaire was class!

***My French Life Update:
I am finally getting the métro/RER down. The métro, for those who do not know, is the inner city subway and the RER, is for us kids (that would be me),who live in the suburb area of Paris. So, every time I want to go into the city I take the RER to Versailles, then change to another direction towards Paris. Depending on the sched. and day, it could take anywhere from 45-1hr.If I had a car, it would take obviously half the time...but c'est pas grave (it's no big deal) because I have time to spare and it is always a good idea to use public transportation :)
Yesterday I missed my french class because I stayed too late in Paris the night before. I didn' do much really, just sat on the Champs de Mars (the little park in front of the Eiffel tower), ate pizza with Fat Tire kids, and watched le tour Eiffel glitter blue for the EU! for 5 minutes every hour, on the hour...about three times.Twas glorious.I felt like a bug...couldn't stop staring at the liiiiiiiiights...
On Sunday I went to the American Church of Paris. It is the first American church planted on Paris turf. It is an inter-denom. Protestant church...uniting people from all backrounds, so said the brochure. Honestly I wasn't sure what to expect. Turned out to be good. A woman with a 'texas-sized' hat the color of orange crème greeted me in the doorway with a strong african accent saying, welcome! Every single row had people from everywhere...I was awe struck for a moment. It's funny. Sometimes you have to go out of the states to experience a true American church...
Yesterday I went inside one part of the Louvre. I saw 'that woman'...a.k.a. Mona Lisa. What impressed me the most was what lay before her: a huge crowd of tourists...mostly from Japan no doubt, and on the opposite wall, is arguably one of the largest paintings in the Louvre...whereas wee Ms. Mona is a mere 2 ft tall if that.And all the while she holds that smirk... I think I will have to visit that musée at least three more times in order to do it justice.
I am still finding that it is much easier to comprehend than it is to speak french. ARRRGH.I don't have an mp3 player at the moment so I have been listening to the radio. I am really preferring the stations here in France actually. In particular, the station OUI FM. It spins everything from Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs' WoolyBully to Radiohead to U2 to crazyrandom french music to even ACDC. And I am in love with the french food. miam miam!! (that is how the french write yum yum :)

à tres bientot!


Cynthia said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE. I love OUI FM, as well. Today you're Koquin, yesterday you're Curious Kate and tomorrow? What will you be then?

You could be "An American in Paris," n'est-ce pas?

katelyn o'quinn said...

i changed it back to koquin because of you! hmmm maybe i should temp. change it to an american in paris though???
