Monday, May 11, 2009

miam & mignonne

---Why hey there stranger.

---Young at heart, or so I try to be. Dressing up is great fun. I hate having to write stuff beneath a candid photo of me and the kids I hang with. Self explanatory? I think OUI.

---The 'miam' bit, which is the french version of ameri-english 'yum' is the fact that almost every Sunday after church, we head over to the old jewish quarter for a falafel. Where does one purchase this dish? Chez L'As du Falafel. Tis cheap, fast, and oh yea...extremely good. I could of had two yesterday but I, somehow, gave into self restraint instead. The rain also helped keep the indulgence away....until next Sunday.

---Found this photo of Rachel mignonne!

***jeunet + audrey encore for Chanel...ahh so Frenchie.