Monday, October 27, 2008


Let me see what has happened lately that would be of interest to you folks over the Atlantic pond...
---I have made some friends here in France. There is a prominent university called HEC here in Jouy and I met some exchange students on the métro---(not sure if I have already stated these previously, oh well). Anyway, every Thursday night there is a party on campus and I was invited. Getting into the event was a bit troubling...there was a list, and my name was definitely not on it. So I lied and told the french girl "je suis laura, laura tezzdha". She was puzzled with my last was I and asked if my last name began with a "t", "yes" I said. She searched and I became a little nervous...please let there be a Laura with a T-something last name!! And voila! I saw a name and pointed to 'Laura T....' and won! We danced the night away, and I felt like a secret agent for a moment...alias 'Laura T' :)
---Saturday evening I went to my new pal Marguerite's in St.Remy...another city right outside of Paris along the RER B line...the party was fantastic! Arrived at 11,socialized till midnight, danced from 12-5am!!!! Took the RER back to my Jouy around 7am :)
---Sunday I planned to go to church but missed the right usual! I have a love/hate relationship with public transportation. So instead I went to the 'Beaubourg' otherwise known as Le Pompidou museum. Bustling with modern art and spectacular views of Paris, I left the place puzzled...which is usually how I feel after seeing modern work, I'm not exactly sure what to think for many of the pieces. There were a select few that I loved...a tapestry to be exact. It was constructed of disposible items...bottlecaps, metallic candywrappers, and knitted together with some free was magnificent. I will have to get back with you on the artists' name though. And along with the museum...a movie!
---We watched Woody Allen's 'Vicky,Cristina,Barcelona'. As usual, it was witty and thought-provoking. Enjoyed it. Penelope Cruz was fantastic!
---Last but not least, Rosalie...a dear dear friend, posted this video for me on the face-place. I love this band (FLEET FOXES). I love this song:

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

The atlantic pond!! Love that phrase.
Your entrance to the party reminds me of a certain time that we snuck into a certain French flick, n'est-ce pas? I met some French boys on Friday as well, et nous parlons le francais! Tres drole!
Miss you bunches. Love the blog (all of the posts, really love 'em).