Monday, November 17, 2008

Music...makes the people...

"I was born with music inside me!"-Ray Charles

---Music. What is it? Define it. Hmmm, struggling eh? So was I when I thought about it. Daily I have been going through 2 musical pockets, sometimes a classical one, the other a folk-rock.(I watched 'Amadeus' last week, then the other day I put on U2's dvd...). They seem different, but are they really? Each puts me in a different mood, but why? Why do I have specific associations with certain songs...etc. Why do we get those 'earworms'? Those annoying tunes that stick for days...Parkinsons patients could often inexplicably be roused from their catatonia by music. And really, how is it that the Chinese, reap so many exceptional concert pianists?!
---I read an article recently about a book, called 'Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain', by Oliver Sacks. In it Oliver states that music "has no concepts, makes no propositions; it lacks images, symbols, the stuff of language. It has no necessary relations to the world." (that last line is such an 'ah ha!' moment!) It is the very fact that each mind is attuned to music differently. Pythagoras said that "it is the sound of mathmatical, cosmic harmony, reverberating in the human soul." While on the other hand Darwin stated that it is merely "a function of sexual selection." Hmmm, I prefer the previous def. I am in complete accord with Oliver and he has definitely sharpened my desire to understand its enigma when he states that, "like life itself is universally experienced... it ultimately eludes explanation".
---There is an portion mentioned in the review about a man named Clive Wearing, "a musician strucken years ago with a post brain infection amnesia so devastating that from one minute to the next he does not know who-what-when-where-how or-why. At 69, just two things are unscathed in his life: a profound love for his wife and the ability to sing or play on the piano any piece of music set in front of him." Oliver then concludes that music, if anything is "a rope let down from heaven"...

Here is something I do know: I am going to purchase this book a.s.a.p.

Oh, and for that last WHY?
The chinese are more attuned to pitch, having had to master the precise tones used in spoken Mandarin. (yet another, 'ah ha' moment).

For now, listen to this Hebrew song that I am in love with...maybe it's the language, tone....I'm still trying to figure it out. Sheesh. That's life I guess.

Découvrez Yael Naim!

***Oh and the Yael Naim concert...was FANTASTIC! She wore a white puffy dress, one-sleeved with red polka-dots all over. And with house slippers. :) I was blown away by her voice...such a big voice from such a tiny person! Favorite song was a duet with surprise guest, french rapper Tété was the two of them, her in her polka dots, he is dressed à la "johnny cash" (a man in black :), her 3 male horn players dressed in Beatles-esque colorful military uniforms....twas GRAND.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

A couple of things -- first, I like the new header. Second, "To Build A Home" comes on automatically every time I visit your site... and third, I like that you are more musically inclined and I am more painting inclined (as far as blog focus goes). very interesting.
Miss you!