Monday, December 15, 2008

for Cynch.

---I have returned. Be not weary my devoted fans, ahhem. Ms.Miller. Life is complicated, thrilling, bzzzing past like a bee to the honeycomb, sometimes it is much longer can the honey take to pour? my teas gettin' cold! it can be a glorious bzzz that is caught on a evening out with good friends over a glass of b-, of wine...gooood wine. :) This skims and hits almost at the center of my current life in France, except for the part in which I am a working 'nou nou'. In truth, I am an au pair. A nou nou is the french way of saying nanny. I do not mind being called this, only by Alexandre the great, 6 years tall and 3 feet old with auburn hair the color of clay rooftops in southern France. I have crushes on my kids I watch, big crushes by the way. I adore them.
---Why doth I allude so much to honey and the bee? Because I love the honey here in France for one, and two, my dear friends: Marcie and Chelsey came for a visit a few weekends ago...where Marcie revealed to me her secret desire of becoming a bee keeper! Gasp, (that would be you reader, gasping away...) I want to be a bee keeper, to know the ways of the bees, to charm those delicate armies of black of yellow! There is a course on weekends at the Luxembourg gardens here in Paris, where you can learn the trade!! I shall let you know when, and soon enough, how it goes.
--Speaking of those lovely dears who visited me. I loved every moment. We slept in late, ate vanilla yogurt, coffee, warm croissants and on Sunday morning, that glorious day, we witnessed the miracle (well, on my part!)of snow. Those ice feathers fell and fell and we missed church, but I declare (note: declare, when spoken, should be with fervor and one obnoxious southern accent :)...I declare! the snow was worth it! Before that snow Sunday, there was a Saturday full of strolling around Paris, meeting old friends near St.Lazare, and viewing Juliette Binoche and Oliver Martinez in 'Le Hussard sur le Toit'...a sweeping romantic set during the Napoleonic era, around the time the Cholera outbreak swept across southern France. It was one of many films being shown in the 'Ju-bi-lation: Juliette Binoche film fest' at La Cinemathèque. Rent it if you haven't seen it, it is also under the title 'The Horseman on the Roof'.
---We also visited Le Petit Palais, for the admission is free for all and there is an exhibit of photography that is not to be missed! Here are some Patrick Demarchelier's below...

Discover Ray LaMontagne!

*One last thing, refolding sleeping bags into their tiny bags is an ART, one that I am not and fear, will never be able to hold...I have a love/hate relationship with putting away those things. And, the next time I do go camping, I suggest that Ray LaMontagne comes sing me to sleep...
the man still got it. LISTEN

Satisfied Ms.Miller?! ;) tu me manques!xoxo

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I LOVE THIS!!! You're the bestest.
(P.s. -- I may steal one of these photos, bc they rock)!

Missin' you!