Friday, November 7, 2008

today is a tad toxic.

---I am supposed to go to Belgium tomorrow.Bruxelles, Antwerp, seem truly at a distance. Ticket has been purchased but I wasn't at home when DHL came by to deliver, so I am supposed to go pick it up from their office in Trappes...wherever that is. I am disappointed. Hopefully Nathalie (my host mom)can pick up my parcel this evening. And on top of all that it's raining. Bummed, I am.
---On a lighter note,(yes, you can always find humor. Humor in fact, is a way to survive...though, sadly I guess it can't solve life's problems...(that would be YOU,DHL!grr)) yesterday as the kids were being, KIDS I heard some sniffle-snuffles behind me (yes, i just said sniffle-snuffle :). It was Alexandre the great, I mean, the 6 year old. He had some white object jammed up his right nostril. It looked as if he were using some nose spray. I immediately realized that it wasn't nose spray and it was a white tube of paint. Eyes wide as a cow and jaw-dropped, I snatched it quick as a frog eating it's prey (sorry, graphic...haha)! He said matter-of-factly, "Quoi? C'est rien. C'est vide." (What? It's nothing. It's empty). I quipped a loud, "Mais, c'est toxique! Tu va mourir!!" (It's toxic, you are going to die!!) And of course, he laughed and skipped away into his room upstairs. Tube clutched in hand, I was stunned to a stand-still. Cannot believe that happened. (I'm belly-laughing right now. Yet very, very concerned...what is the generation ahead??)

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

how delightfully funny you are, my dear.