Monday, September 8, 2008

join, or die!

---Since Gustav, the abominable hurricane that left us, (east baton rouge parish)without electricity I have been pondering over a few things...and here they are:

Anne Rice, former athiest and New Orleans native known for her fascination with vampires and doll collections became a Christian around '96-'98 and has written a novel called "Christ the Lord". It is supposedly the beginning of a trilogy that will chronicle the life of Jesus Christ. "Christ the Lord, Out of Egypt" begins with Jesus at the tender age of seven...I have bought this book and am intrigued...I believe she researched for almost a decade to prepare.
John Adams, the mini-series from HBO that came out last year I believe...I have been wanting to watch it since it's release but have not found the time! Hope to see it soon...what a fascinating being.

Also, when in boredom, one often reminisces...I think I will pick up my once and short-lived hobby of collecting stamps! And, I just had a flash back..I am in the Houston Museum with my french class...visiting the French Impressionist/Symbolist showing....I came across Eugene Carriere and was stopped and stunned. Here is a picture of the painting that I adore: "A Mother's Kiss". Euguene was a fin-de-siecle artist known for his brown monochrome palette...and it is said that he influenced Picasso's blue period...

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